Surrealment - Frackin Universe

Server Information
Hostname Surrealment
Status Checked 5 minutes ago
Players 0 / 32
Location United States of America
Version 1.4.4
Platform Windows
Registered by surrealment
Registered since May 10th, 2021 01:19 AM EST
Last update January 9th, 2025 09:19 PM EST
Tag(s) Casual Roleplay Dedicated Fully Open Modded PvE PvP Social

Discord Server

Vote(s) 83
Rank 3
Score 134
Favorited 1
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

• Client-side mods and custom items are allowed. Before connecting, "Allow Assets Mismatch" in options is required to connect. Remember common courtesy when connecting with client-side mods and custom items as they can cause lag or disconnect other players.
• Anonymous connections are allowed, meaning no username or password is required. We use the default Starbound port 21025, leaving the field blank will also default to 21025.

• US west dedicated server. If you love to build this is a server for you, new players, or seasoned veterans welcome!
• Location saves bring anti-griefing to another level. Each non-instanced location can be physically saved and recovered from that point without restart. Additionally, you may toggle a location to auto-restore.
• Public teleports allow players to teleport to different places without any cost, instantly. Show off your builds and set up your own teleports for others to use.
• We have integrated with Discord with relay and slash commands, we allow import and export of claimed locations, display who is currently online, logging, and general errors for debugging. Notice: Max export size is capped to the Boost Level of the Discord server. Max import size is capped to the Boost Level of the Discord server or your Nitro subscription.
• There are many features not listed, you can view our custom commands defined on our wiki at Github Starbound-Wiki.

• Respect your fellow starboundian.
• Even with preventative measures, don’t grief or steal from other users.
• Stay friendly to NPC's on locations that are owned.
• Don't swap instruments midsong or overplay songs.
• Denying user access will result in ban. This includes crashing, jailing, and spawn killing.
• Killing players by bypassing player PVP settings (PKing) is prohibited.
• Keep the outpost lag-free! Some people use potatoes powered by hamsters to play. Don't overwork the hamsters.
• Test your newly created custom content in single player first. Poorly made creations can cause unnecessary lag for all players.
• If you have any questions, ask the staff. We're happy to assist. Love and PEACE!

Getting Started:
Modded servers require some setup, here's how to do it.
• Important: Make sure to duplicate your Starbound installation so you don't have conflicting assets when switching to non-FU servers.
• This server is only using the FrackinUniverse mod. This is a required mod to join this server. Keep this mod up-to-date by downloading the latest version to prevent errors. This server will automatically update when a new version is found.
• Download the following pak file from one of the trusted sources below and place it into your mod folder, see the guides section if you're having trouble with this step.
GitHub Releases | Starbound Community

Microsoft Store/Gamepass

Other Servers

Rank Server Players Status Tags
3 / 32 Casual Roleplay Dedicated Fully Open PvE PvP Social Vanilla