
Server Information
Address starbound-china.com
Hostname A Starbound Server
Status Checked 3 minutes ago
Players 5 / 30
Location China
Version 1.4.3
Platform Windows
Registered by leo233
Registered since May 26th, 2020 08:46 AM EST
Last update January 3rd, 2022 07:43 AM EST
Tag(s) Fully Open Vanilla
Vote(s) 0
Rank 15
Score 6
Favorited 6
Discussion(s) 3

About This Server

开荒、探索、养老皆可,尽情享用。网站检测有问题,页面显示离线不用管,可直接进。 The server appears offline due to a problem detected by this website. Actually the server is normal, you can directly join.

5 Online Players

Ironrake', PD-A049桃木雪, Shelias, DINGZHEN, Fezzy