
Server Information
Hostname GameUnity.TV
Status Checked 1 minute ago
Players 0 / 100
Location Europe
Version 1.4.4
Platform Linux
Registered by GameUnityTV
Registered since March 13th, 2014 12:54 PM EST
Last update March 6th, 2020 10:48 AM EST
Tag(s) Casual Roleplay Dedicated Fully Open Modded PvP Social

Discord Server

Vote(s) 0
Rank 16
Score 5
Favorited 24
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

IMPORTANT: Rules, chat commands and information - Read this first:

[Custom Modpack] [International] [Planet protection] [Ship protection] [Guilds] [Chat commands] [Custom wrapper] [24/7] [Public]

Online since December 2013 - We are here to stay.

- Custom Modpack - regularly updated to bring you new content, more variety and new features!
- Planet protection: You can protect your planet so only you and your friends are allowed to place / break blocks and open containers. No need to be afraid of griefers!
- Unique guild system with custom name tags and private chat rooms
- Player hubs, PVP areas and amazing monuments
- Ship protection: Only you can place blocks / open containers on your ship - don't worry about thieves.
- Custom chat commands: Use /who to get a list of online players, /spawn to warp back to the spawn planet, /home to warp to your protected planet, ...
- Backups of all protected planets
- Teamspeak 3 + Discord + Forums
- User groups: Admins (red), Gamemasters (blue), VIPs (green), Donators (yellow)
- More chat commands / features coming soon! We love to work on own chat commands to offer more awesome features.

Important: Edited / custom items are NOT allowed.

If you are looking for a friendly universe where you are able to build without worrying about griefers, look no further. Your character will spawn at our main hub ("spawn planet") and you will receive all the items to repair your ship and warp to another planet.